Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013

Just a little picture of my dog. :) She's so sweet. Did a lot of thinking today. Some of it, wasn't so easy to deal with. I know my problems are small, but sometimes they get stuck, and they just churn away. I did some praying, and I went to the storage center to clean out a couple small boxes and bags. After that, I went to the library and gave them a lot of books. The last thing I did, was go to the gym. :) It was rainy, so it was good to get something positive done. I am hoping I can get some more interviews soon. My job is ending in a couple of weeks, so I applied for unemployment. I hope I can find something soon. And I hope I will be grateful for it. :) Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)


  1. Hi Keisha

    My companion of many years, Pika, a beagle, died of old age last week. I used to take her out for many walks around the neighborhood.

    I remember that you made a video of one of the walks that you took around your neighborhood a couple of years ago. I enjoyed it a lot. Is that still available? I would like to watch it again to remind me of my walks with Pika.

    You are in good hands Keisha. Take care.

  2. Thank you very much. I have a link to the video! I hope you like it.

  3. Thank you, I am glad you liked it. :)
